Downloading Ubuntu Buddhist Remix
June 22, 2009
kolialliotto from YouTube saw the video and tried to download and was unsuccessful at the torrent (I asked if it was Beta I). I'm going to email the present host, Duchaine, to see what's up. It is summer vacation. If anyone else would like to host Gamma I please email me at
Right now Gamma I is not being hosted anywhere and needs to be pushed on Launchpad as described by Joey Stanford in a below post. Please email me if you are interested in hosting/pushing and have a good speed connection.
May someone do that and notify me!
Posted at: 01:13 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink
Gamma I / Get 'er done.
June 13, 2009
This need to be a meta-package (and we can also remaster a CD from this).
The packages might be:
UBR-Live (live cd)
The Restricted Extras can be sourced from ubuntu-restricted-extras or
kubuntu-restricted-extras depending on which desktop manager they use.
I've just gotten back from Spain and I'm headed out Friday for
Virginia. I'm then back for a week then off to Canada. Might be
helpful to see if someone on the list has time to dissect the existing
desktop meta-packages to see how they are built (probably some info
also on the ubuntu wiki) and take a stab. They can be pushed up to a
Launchpad PPA for testing.
1 : Logo.
2 : Splash modifications .
3 : Complete sutra library: Gerontion wgot the sites on the Gateway here for hosting those, however he cannot host them behind University ports.
4 : Universal language packages : these are generally available via Ubuntu / Debian packages, however inclusion into Gamma Karma 0.3.5 is expected. The site is newly more linguistically universal.
5 : Limited User-Adaptivity : Outside of the nlp / neural net I did there are no plans for Ubuntu...
Posted at: 03:49 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Automatic Consciousness by Linguistic Association Algorithm for Windows 由语言协会算法的自动知觉Windows的
June 11, 2009
I was talking to Dr Sam Fohr of University of Pittsburgh (at Bradford) after meditation last night and he suggested that "I don't like the name:" referring to Artificial Intelligence. I asked, "Why? I was thinking Automatic Consciousness is better". "Well, there really is no such thing as consciousness or intelligence it is fundamentally empty."
Ha ha ha. So I was testing the version that I have up, and it seems that the not zen one actually may work better. Please remember that you are teaching it how to talk, and it should be langauge independent.
我与匹兹堡大学的山姆・ Fohr博士谈话(在布雷得佛)在昨晚凝思以后,并且他建议了那" 我不喜欢名字:" 参见人工智能。 密封我要求, " 为什么? 我认为自动知觉是更多better"。 " 那么,真正地没有作为知觉或智力它根本地是empty."的这样事; 叫喊 Ha ha ha。 因此我测试我有的版本,并且看起来不是禅宗一也许更好实际上运作。 请切记您是教它如何谈话和它应该是不依靠语言的。 密封
artificial, automatic, consciousness, denotation, empty, intelligence, learning, machine, nlp
Posted at: 06:13 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Dr Eye - English to Chinese to English
June 11, 2009
Latest Update from Joey Stanford, ie: What to do next for Gamma I on Launchpad
June 10, 2009
This need to be a meta-package (and we can also remaster a CD from this).
The packages might be:
UBR-Live (live cd)
The Restricted Extras can be sourced from ubuntu-restricted-extras or
kubuntu-restricted-extras depending on which desktop manager they use.
I've just gotten back from Spain and I'm headed out Friday for
Virginia. I'm then back for a week then off to Canada. Might be
helpful to see if someone on the list has time to dissect the existing
desktop meta-packages to see how they are built (probably some info
also on the ubuntu wiki) and take a stab. They can be pushed up to a
Launchpad PPA for testing.
gamma i, launchpad
Posted at: 06:06 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Why Gamma I hasn't been released yet, what to look forward to, and recent changes in the site
June 9, 2009
Why Gamma I hasn't been released yet:
1) The sutra library (priority one) is available completely online right now
2) The changes in Ubuntu Buddhist Remix are not significant versus the present version of Jaunty/Koala
What to look forward to:
1) I am seeing if I can't use the freeservers ftp system to upload zen dharma talks and other things
2) A new site
Recent changes:
1) The Buddhist and AI gateways
Ill let everyone know when I've successfully uploaded the zen talks. If its a go, we could be hosting gamma I in a short period of time. Pray! Actually you can vote for what you want to see:
Jasballz -site moderator, neither Butso, Tagatha, nor Bodhisattva-
Posted at: 05:03 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Getting what needs to be accomplished for version 0.3.0 Gamma Karma release done
June 6, 2009
1 : Logo : emailed Joey Stanford at Canonical Ltd to recheck present logo and name. Done.
2 : Splash modifications : brought up with Joey Stanford in the aforementioned email.
3 : Complete sutra library: Gerontion is wgetting the sites on the Gateway here for hosting those.
4 : Universal language packages : these are generally available via Ubuntu / Debian packages, however inclusion into Gamma Karma 0.3.5 is expected.
5 : Limited User-Adaptivity : Outside of the nlp / neural net I did there are no plans for Ubuntu Linux Kernel modification that is formatted in a neuronical or machine learning fashion for Gamma Karma 0.3.0
6 : Indra's Effect prototype : Andrew Krull has to get back to me. I don't know what he is doing/if he's getting along. Besides Mr Krull I would be glad to see others pick this up, especially at Compiz Forums.
[7 : Buddhist Apps] : there's dhammapada app, and the Pali reader Firefox add on. Besides that we don't have too many apps.
(There were applications in the Beta III release that were AI/machine learning specific, for example, IBM PML, or complearn or PersonalBrain).
What to expect for Gamma Karma 0.3.5:...
0.3.0, accomplishing, buddhist, doing, done, gamma, karma, remix, tasks, ubuntu, version
Posted at: 02:03 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink
Pali Firefox Add-On
June 4, 2009
A helpful user at Ubuntu Forums pointed this out:
He is also busy wgetting the sites and hosting them.
pali, reader
Posted at: 01:25 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
What needs to be accomplished before version 1.0.0 Kreamy Karma release
June 2, 2009
1 : Logo
2 : Splash modifications
3 : Complete sutra library
4 : Universal language packages
5 : Limited User-Adaptivity
6 : Indra's Effect prototype
[7 : Buddhist Apps]
Version 1.1.0 Should include:
1 : Logo
2 : Splash modifications
3 : Complete sutra library
4 : Universal language packages
5 : More expansed User-Adaptivity
6 : Completed Indra's Effect
[7 : Buddhist apps]
Mr Jasballz -neither Butso, Tagatha, nor Bodhisattva-
do, karma, kreamy, to, whats
Posted at: 03:44 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Neo_The_User re: Mesa 7.5 to be released for Ubuntu-Buddha: Ubuntu Buddhist Remix
June 2, 2009
This library contains even later software for direct rendering and 3D acceleration for all open source drivers except intel. A new version of the open source intel mesa drivers will be in the next release. All radeon cards, nvidia, via, frame buffer, and savage video cards will preform much much better with this software only if the open source drivers are in use (default) so I hope everything works and I cannot wait until Gamma 1! A new kernel will also be released and will be much smaller and quicker meaning at least a 2X faster start up on boot, better overall preformance, Pentium Pro or higher (no junky processor support from the ancient days) and will be more stable overall. A new set of drivers (not mesa) will be released as well for even further optimization. nvidia and radeon cards will receive most support from my end. Installation instructions are in the xf86-git page of my wikispace near the bottom. I am telling you, I am getting the ball rolling on buddhabuntu and I have stopped all development for everything else. Your distribution is very important and in order to increase the popularity of it, more support is...
graphics, mesa, neo the user
Posted at: 03:43 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink